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Earlier messages
<testuser[m]> phoebos why are `old`, `sys` and `new` checksums compared for /etc, can't we just `if hash(new) != hash(existing) mv new new.new`
<testuser[m]>why does it matter what the original checksum was
midfavilaquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<testuser[m]>oh it's just to avoid saving the file as .new if it's same as the original one
<testuser[m]>is that really needed though, removing that logic will get rid of storing checksums anywhere which simplifies the b3 transition a bit
<testuser[m]>ioraff: illiliti ?
<testuser[m]>Wait nvm
<testuser[m]>I forgot the main purpose lol
<testuser[m]>it'll keep installing .new files otherwise even if everything is unchanged
<phoebos>testuser[m]: who owned KISS_ROOT when you were testing earlier
<testuser[m]>phoebos: my user
<testuser[m]>uid 1000
midfavilaquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<phoebos>i don't understand why you didn't need tar -p but i do
<testuser[m]>it doesnt work either way with non-root user
<testuser[m]>btw i think i figured out a way to reduce conflict detection time by inf %
<testuser[m]>make the whole file list into a fat (/file1|/file2) expr instead of 1000 individual patterns
<testuser[m]>runs in 0.06s instead of 10s but idk if it even works so
<testuser[m]>this is for 5000 files
<phoebos>ooh sounds nice
<phoebos>testuser[m]: kiss owns /bin/tar ?
<testuser[m]>not in kiss
<testuser[m]>i was trying with raw tar
<testuser[m]>but it should be the same so
<testuser[m]>i mean i was trying iwth busybox tar outside of kiss
<testuser[m]>yea busybox tar is shit
<testuser[m]>λ ls -ld busy/tmp
<testuser[m]>drwxr-xr-t 2 testuser testuser 40 Oct 3 18:58 busy/tmp
<testuser[m]>λ ls -ld gnoo/tmp
<testuser[m]>drwxrwxrwt 2 testuser testuser 40 Oct 3 18:58 gnoo/tmp
<testuser[m]>btw how does `grep -q ":/var/db/kiss/installed/" "$_tmp_file" || safe=1` ever match ? my grep doesn't seem to do anything if i try `echo test | grep :t`
<testuser[m]>: means line starting with substr i think
<testuser[m]>maybe he meant to use ^
<testuser[m]>its cuz when grepping on multiple files it appends : after filename
<phoebos>: has no special meaning except in [::]
<testuser[m]>now tell me
<testuser[m]>how to escape filenames to safely includein (|)
<illiliti>what are you trying to do?
Later messages