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Earlier messages
<Ogromny>I built zig with the package from community
<Ogromny>I built zig with the package from community
<Ogromny>I tried with a master build of zig, same issue
<phoebos>testuser[m]: https://codeberg.org/kiss-community/kiss/commit/1933a19e105d83a512c9312022ba1d57bc04fd73
<phoebos>maybe to do with this
<Ogromny>phoebos: Zig build fine, but whenever I try to build a zig app linked with libc it segfaults...
<testuser[m]>he's not talking about the zig isue
<Ogromny>Oh my bad
<phoebos>ah testuser[m]: file_rwx gets st_mode & 0777 so it doesn't realise the sticky bit is set
<phoebos>ie. /tmp is 1777, but file_rwx /tmp gives 777
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<phoebos>this is the kind of place where a bit of C makes it much easier
<phoebos>testuser[m]: with reverting 1933a19e105d83a512c9312022ba1d57bc04fd73 and the PR I opened, I think it is fixed?
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<phoebos>not sure why explicit tar -p is required though. it should be used by default for root
<testuser[m]>im installing as user
<phoebos>oh yeah
<phoebos>KISS_ROOT is owned by whoever
<phoebos>works with explicit -p?
<testuser[m]>same with and without
<testuser[m]>as use
<phoebos>what's your umask
<phoebos>without -p, /tmp in KISS_ROOT is 0755
<phoebos>with -p, 1777
<phoebos>with -p but without rwx patch, 0777
<testuser[m]>ig ill just spoof uid with bwrap
<testuser[m]>works fine with that
<testuser[m]>along with ur patch
<testuser[m]>the script is garbage but much better than manually creating ta
<testuser[m]>i need to fix the error handlig
<testuser[m]>it doesnt work if kiss build fails, the whole script ends with
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midfavilaquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<testuser[m]> phoebos why are `old`, `sys` and `new` checksums compared for /etc, can't we just `if hash(new) != hash(existing) mv new new.new`
<testuser[m]>why does it matter what the original checksum was
Later messages