
Earlier messages
<dilyn>alright, we'll probably switch to libera. everybody's doin' it, and KISS is famously a distro that follows trends
<midfavila>tobin is on libera
<midfavila>abort abort abort
<E5ten>midfavila: you can just use fputs(x, stdout); instead of printf(x); when x is string literal lol
<midfavila>don't care right now
<phoebos>ach migadu won't let me have \spaces :(
<midfavila>i'm working on the problems in K&R with what's reviewed up until that problem
<kiedtl>dilyn: woo
<kiedtl>is that official?
<phoebos>was the the Word Of God
<travankor>change topic?
<travankor>lol nice timing
<kiedtl>Yah, was typing when your message came :)
<dilyn>news post soon, have to get haircut
<dilyn>we're gonna need a logger lads
<acheam>I can do it
<phoebos>what about litterbox on your vps?
<phoebos>bcs you want more stuff to do, right
<acheam>I already run it, you can just reverse proxy it or send the DNS to me
<kiedtl>I think we should wait for globbot to show up
<acheam>oof scooper needs kcgi and stuff... I'm not bothering it with that
<acheam>that will probably be within 24hrs or so
<dilyn>I'm going to be in both channels for a while
<acheam>kiedtl: can you set the chanserv message
<dilyn>alright so now I have two news posts to make, a few READMEs to puruse, a microphone to setup, privacy.com to use a fake debit card for the domain and vps, and then to securely select random people from the internet with a horcrux...
<dilyn>bang that out in an afternoon probably
<dilyn>(: :V :)
<Rio6>same channel there?
<eternalrain>well i've read through this just right now and it looks like zoomers are discouraged to use kiss :D
<acheam>many of us are zoomers mcboomers :)
<Rio6>I use discord on my phone :shrug:
<eternalrain>what if i run it from chroot tho
<ominous_anonymou>Yes, that is an option. You can also try packaging it yourself.
<Rio6>yeah can't you just download it from their website and run it?
<testuser[m]_>Dude the browser app works just fine
<testuser[m]_>Why waste 2gb in chroot for an electron app
<Rio6>oh I almost forgot I was using gkiss
<kiedtl>!part #kisslinux
<midfavila>fare thee well, freenode
Later messages