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<Digit>ah, remove and search found too. easy enough. just updating available packages list for me to find yet...
<Digit>cpt-update -o ? though -o/--only-fetch errors as unrecognised option.
<merakor>Digit: Are you sure of `cpt -o`?
<merakor>s/cpt -o/cpt-update -o/
<merakor>Oh yeah, I forgot that the tarball uses an ancient version of cpt
<merakor>Maybe I should release a new tarball :D
<merakor>Before cpt-5, there was a tool cpt-fetch for only fetching
<merakor>That's because when cpt was kiss, our fork had a separate command 'kiss fetch' so I added the tool cpt-fetch when doing the transition
<merakor>I removed the tool and made it as a flag to cpt-update on version 5
<Digit>oops, restored old config without carbs on autojoin. sry for unintended driveby
<merakor2>That's fine :D
<eax>i don't know if anyone has caught the error, but the install doc has the reader set URL to a var, but there is no link in the documentation. i had no problem, but it could be a source of issues for others. fyi
<merakor>eax: It seems I have accidentally deleted the variable, thanks
<merakor>I'm planning on reverting back to libressl
<merakor>I'll be pushing the changes for now, but would want to get some more opinions on the matter
<mcf>is it because of some problem with bearssl, or just that the libssl api is too widely used?
<merakor>mcf: Yeah, it's because libssl api is too widely used. Bearssl is great, but honestly, many software depend on libssl.
<mcf>yep. it's why i still have libressl in oasis. even if i manage to get everything ported, i'd probably still leave it in case some new software needed it
<merakor>The base is alright with bearssl, but if you go up, you are eventually going to need libressl. At that point you might as well just use libressl instead of having two ssl libraries.
<merakor>yeah, that's also what I used to do
<merakor>I might add a separate "only-base" branch that uses bearssl
<Digit>OH, *facepalm*, i'd been struggling with carbs, because i didnt have the environment variables set in fish. cpt-fetch starts telling the truth and getting active once i run it from bash. XD doh! that held me back far too long.
<Digit>+ other fiddlyness around needing run as su and apply bedrock's strat -r ... then i think i've got it. n_n *finger crossed this time will be me up n running with cpt properly*
<merakor2>I couldn't build Python for over a year on my computer because of an environment variable I set for a script I was using
<merakor2>Are you still using cpt under bedrock?
<merakor2>Oh I see
<Digit>and, am currently endeavoring towards getting carbs to feature in my cascade of neofetches run for each strata. so, bash's first step, then hopefully it'll "just work"(TM) with neofetch copied into it.
<Digit>i see carbs is mentioned in neofetch as having ascii logo. so that saves me needing offer my services to make one for you. (aw. kinda looked forward to that). n_n
<merakor2>I was recently thinking of designing a new logo but I am pretty bad at design
<Digit>i did bedrock's one. happy to have a stab at a carbs re-design if you're happy with my abilities gauged by what i did for bedrock's. http://ks392457.kimsufi.com/stuff/scrots/2021-04-03-134745_1280x1024_scrot.png
<merakor2>Oh that looks nice
<merakor2>Sure, I'd love that
<Digit>cool. i'll get on that as soon as i get it running under carbs... and maybe after food and other life things too. heh. those life things always getting in the way of geeking.
<Digit>ah, sweet, build done, am already there. yup. :)
<merakor2>Oh, you can take your time there is nothing to rush
<merakor2>I appreciate your help
<merakor>I have released version 6 of CPT to the repositories
<merakor>Digit: I don't know how you are managing the package manager itself, but the tarball can be found on https://fossil.carbslinux.org/cpt/uv/cpt-6.0.0.tar.xz
<Digit>have i gone crazy, or, was there a cpt-fetch that disappeared?
<merakor>Yeah, I wrote about it a few days ago
<merakor>I removed cpt-fetch and replaced it with `cpt-update -n` on version 5
<merakor>The old release tarball has cpt 4
<Digit>i see. yup. since i'm only just getting rolling with it now, that[as tarball]'ll be what i had until minutes ago.
<Digit>and i didnt read far enough back in cpt-news probably.
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