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Earlier messages
<asimovc>is just that all the mdev config?
<riteo>I documented the changes pretty much
<riteo>it's mostly related to hotplug
<riteo>completely unrelated to screensharing
<riteo>lemme take a look at pw code
<asimovc>can you build pipewire again?
<asimovc>and send me the options that it enablle
<asimovc>when it build
<riteo>let's see
<asimovc>maybe is building something more that is not default enable
<riteo>tbf feels a bit like an environment thing
<riteo>maybe kernel config
<riteo>you have these kernel opts?
<riteo>wait those are for sound
<asimovc>is enabled
<riteo>I have no idea where the file is from
<riteo>wait I'll send you the pw log
<riteo>for buildilng
<asimovc>are you using rtkit?
<asimovc>or polkit
<asimovc>as i suspected
<asimovc>why is sdl2 needed?
<riteo>no idea
<riteo>shouldn't be needed
<riteo>not that I am aware of
<asimovc>my pipewire log with verbose
ivyfri13_quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
avs_origamiquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<riteo>asimovc: it's still that weird error
<riteo>no idea what it's opening
<riteo>asimovc: perhaps you could try setting debug mode with pipewire
<riteo>and get all the debug logs
<asimovc>will try
avs_origamiquit (Remote host closed the connection)
avs_origamiquit (Remote host closed the connection)
avs_origamiquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<riteo>hi sewn
Later messages