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<riteo>oh one last thing, I've not documented pipewire there because it's literally a `pipewire & pipewire-pulse &` away
<riteo>but there's a configuration trick too
<asimovc>started it in .profile and put dbus-run-session
<asimovc>i will see your scripts
<asimovc>and test
<riteo>oh asimovc you know what you could try
<riteo>com.saivert.pwvucontrol is a flatpak pavucontrol-like interface for pipewire
<riteo>should let you see what a flatpak app is seeing
<riteo>also ncpamixer is a good native tool like pavucontrol (you will need pipewire-pulse)
<riteo>you might need to do the pipewire dbus config change I had to do because it saw only dummy devices with it
<riteo>s/with it/without it/
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<riteo>good luck folk
<asimovc>riteo: why need for pulseaudio in pipewire?
<asimovc>i don't needed it in gentoo
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<asimovc>riteo: pipewire in comunity need changing more than just dbus?
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<asimovc>riteo: can you send me the packages you used to get screensharing?
<asimovc>still don't work
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<riteo>sorry asimovc I took a nap, I'm not joking
<riteo>there's no need for pulseaudio itself
<riteo>there's pipewire-pulse, which you should already have access to, that allows pulseaudio-enabled programs to interact with pipewire
<riteo>so that you don't need to port old applications over (supposing it's even possible, think proprietary games)
<riteo>regarding requiring more changes no, package wise. I'd recommend applying the setting I documented in my notes linked above in a pipewire configuration file if all you see in an audio mixer is "Dummy Output"
<riteo>regarding screensharing, all I use is dbus, pipewire, xdg-desktop-portal and xdg-desktop-portal-wlr (although this last one will depend on the compositor you're using)
<asimvoc>riteo: i'm using dwl
<riteo>let's see
<asimvoc>all i get when exec xdg-portal and xdg-portal-wlr is this
<riteo>it's wlroots based so xdg-portal-wlr should do
<asimvoc>xdg-portal when i exec it
<riteo>nw it's fine
<riteo>basically it's saying that there's a better way of choosing the "child daemons" for xdg-desktop-portal automatically
<asimvoc>i installed ungoogled chromium in flatpak
<asimvoc>i tried meet fot test screen sharing
<asimvoc>not work
<riteo>you can setup a configuration file asking for what daemons to start depending on yout XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
<riteo>shoot I said XDG_RUNTIME_DIR above, sorry
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