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<riteo>yeah no prob
<riteo>portals are not bound to dbus
<riteo>like, if an application is quite sandboxed you'll need to give as many priviledges as possible
<riteo>basically bypassing it
<riteo>no idea if there's a way to disable it completely
<riteo>I think there is
<asimovc>i know the issue
<asimovc>is curl
<riteo>oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
<riteo>shit I had the same issue but for a different part of flatpak
<riteo>no worries though
<asimovc>how to solve it?
<riteo>kiss fork curl and change the source to the latest curl master commit
<asimovc>just put git+?
<asimovc>and github link
<riteo>yeah one sec
<riteo>I have this git+https://github.com/curl/curl.git#ca6d3d2e9b5814d126445b1d0667c140037327a0
<riteo>latest curl version is broken and got fixed right away
<riteo>like, upstream
<asimovc>not worked
<asimovc>sed: src/Makefile.in: No such file or directory
<riteo>uhhhh right
<riteo>add `autoreconf -fi
<riteo>sorry newline
<riteo>add `autoreconf -fi` to the start of the build file
<riteo>you'll need the autoconf package
<asimovc>aclocal is from what package?
<riteo>asimovc: it says automake over here
<midfavila>https://git.sdf.org/midfavila/POSIX_Scripts/raw/branch/master/modem-manager riteo
<midfavila>uses mbimcli
<midfavila>frankly i find a lot of the infrastructure present on modern linuxes to be kind of silly
<midfavila>at least for desktop use
<asimovc>how i can mount efivar to use efibootmgr?
<asimovc>dont work the command in wiki
<midfavila>nmtui is user-friendly i suppose but i've never gotten anything even slightly sophisticated working with it
<asimovc>mount -t efivarfs none /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/
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<riteo>asimovc what it works here
<riteo>what error does it dump
<ukky>asimovc: check CONFIG_EFIVAR_FS in kernel config
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