
Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | https://kisscommunity.bvnf.space | post logs or else | song of the day https://yewtu.be/watch?v=S81bNIK4MaE
Earlier messages
<riteo>yeah obvs pidgin is lighter lol
<midfavila>gtk2 gang
<midfavila>finch is even less
<midfavila>although i still want to write ii(1)-like clients for stuff in the future so that i can get away from libpurple
<riteo>ouch last commit 3 years ago
<riteo>oh yeah thinking about it an ii-like solution might allow for different backends quite nicely, wouldn't it?
<riteo>I kinda disdain dinamically loaded plug-ins
<midfavila>more active fork
<midfavila>yeah its not ideal
<midfavila>the goal is to just have fifos/sockets/whatever for everything, arranged like ii
<midfavila>and then have a frontend written using an intermediate API that sits atop xaw/curses
<midfavila>so at build time you can link against either the xaw version or curses version, get the same experience, and be able to use all that stuff just fine
* midfavilashrugs
asimovcquit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
phinxyquit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
<asimovc>how can i add flathub repo?
<asimovc>the conventional way dont work
asimovcquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<asimovc>i get this issue https://termbin.com/jpxg
<riteo>I don't think you have to pass that link
<riteo>wait that's what the documentation says
<riteo>asimovc: you did `flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo` right?
<riteo>try passing `--user`
<asimovc>thats what i tried
<riteo>that's weird
<riteo>perhaps you could try downloading it and adding it locally?
<asimovc>no browser
<asimovc>and the link?
<riteo>also inspect it, it should be a text file
<riteo>for some reason it really did not like whatever it found
<asimovc>this shit need dbus?
<riteo>if you want to use portals yes
<asimovc>just build in community will not cause this issue right?
<asimovc>i mean without dbus
<riteo>yeah no prob
<riteo>portals are not bound to dbus
Later messages