
Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | https://kisscommunity.bvnf.space | post logs or else | song of the day https://yewtu.be/watch?v=S81bNIK4MaE
Earlier messages
<midfavila>it's not going to be constantly waiting for incoming calls, constantly connected to LTE, etc etc
<midfavila>it's going to be a linux machine in your pocket that happens to have a modem
<midfavila>in that role the uconsole is excellent
<riteo>yet with no suspend and no hw decode
<midfavila>yeah the suspend thing is a problem admittedly
<riteo>which are two things which are going to eat through your battery
<midfavila>hw decode, i don't consider a major issue
<riteo>also, you're still going to make your own little bespoke de which is not trivial as modems are a PAIN to handle
<midfavila>don't watch the entire lord of the rings trilogy on the r01 when ur on the plane or something
<midfavila>riteo no theyre not?
<riteo>uh. maybe I never tried the native linux APIs
<riteo>I had to endure modemmanager on the pinephone and it was pain
<midfavila>i wrote a script that used devfs to push the modem in my toughbook around
<midfavila>no modemmanager or networkmanager
<midfavila>just devfs, ifconfig et al, and posix shell
<riteo>nevermind then
<riteo>uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh then it doesn't sound that hard to have a nice and tidy minimal system?
<midfavila>ye its not
<midfavila>i found a libpurple plugin for SMS/MMS from librem
<midfavila>so that can hook into finch
<midfavila>which provides access to irc/xmpp/telegram/discord/etc
<midfavila>and contacts management
<riteo>ohhhhh nice
<riteo>I'm kinda worried about the usability of the telegram/discord stuff
<midfavila>moc for a nice simple menu-based music player
<midfavila>honestly its pretty okay
<riteo>I tried some CLI clients for telegram but they were just painful for anything non-strictly text (obviously)
<midfavila>no images ofc at least not inline but for just IM it's perfectly usable
<midfavila>i use pidgin/finch pretty much exclusively for telegram
<riteo>do you use telegram a lot?
<riteo>because personally even just opening a sticker to see what it is was pain
<riteo>yeah same
<midfavila>pidgin can do inline stickers with tdlib-purple
<midfavila>including animated ones
<midfavila>shows up as an inline message
<midfavila>"X reacted to (message) with :thing:"
<riteo>uh I should take another look
<midfavila>yes you should
<riteo>I mean I have telegram-desktop which is very optimized actually
<riteo>flatpaked :( but very optimized
<riteo>surprisingly it's qt based
<riteo>no electron shit
<midfavila>pidgin uses like 30-50mb at rest
<midfavila>including with tdlib-purple
Later messages