
Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | https://kisscommunity.bvnf.space | post logs or else | song of the day https://yewtu.be/watch?v=S81bNIK4MaE
Earlier messages
<riteo>when I was a kid even just buying minecraft was an amazing feat
<midfavila>gen z has reached the "kids these days" phase
<midfavila>mark the date
<riteo>welcome to the club ivyfri12_
<ivyfri12_>now i can uh continue with firefox
<midfavila>lmao good luck
<riteo>yes firefox yeah firefox wahoo
<midfavila>is the x61 32 or 64 bit?
<midfavila>i think its 64 isnt it?
<ivyfri12_>riteo: im part of the club for month i spen trying to build it
<midfavila>its not that old
<ivyfri12_>x61 is 64
<riteo>ivyfri12_: holy macaroni why did it take you a month
<ivyfri12_>midfavila: yup i bet i could daily it for school
<riteo>is it because the thing is slow or smth else
<ivyfri12_>riteo: because i couldnt belive it was problem in repos and i was handpicking cflgas
<ivyfri12_>im not insane enough (like you people duh) to build on x61, i build on desktop
<riteo>that's interesting
<riteo>you build and then move the cache on the laptop?
<midfavila>mfw i built kiss on the r01
* midfavilasweats
<ivyfri12_> riteo: so far i just build
<ivyfri12_>and then build
<ivyfri12_>and thats it
<midfavila>r01 lives
<midfavila>woop woop
<riteo>so it's official?
<riteo>kiss r01?
<midfavila>i just burned the stock image because i fried the original one
<midfavila>i'm experimenting rn
<midfavila>trying to get the r01's software up to feature parity with normal smartphone stuff
<midfavila>atm i'm focusing on a hotspot feature
<ivyfri12_>wow r01 is almost like n900 but it doesnt suck!
<midfavila>i have hostapd working and i have the 4g modem working
<midfavila>and brctl runs
<midfavila>but for some reason ubuntu only comes with cdc-qmi or w/e
<midfavila>and i need -mbim
<midfavila>because brctl doesnt like cdc-wdm device files
<midfavila>it was a USB TTY
<riteo>oh I see
<riteo>how are you handling the modem?
<midfavila>clockwork provides a script
Later messages