
Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | https://kisscommunity.bvnf.space | post logs or else | song of the day https://yewtu.be/watch?v=S81bNIK4MaE
Earlier messages
<midfavila>and i want to put it all in one of these
<midfavila>then i'm going to save up for some stuff from ploopy (headphones and "adept" trackball) and finish it off with a B122 from modelfkeyboards
<riteo>case looks pretty!
<midfavila>then ive still got those old medical displays that i need to get sent to SK from NB
<midfavila>radiforce rx340s
<riteo>that sounds like a very cool setup
<riteo>very in your style
<midfavila>three of those, maybe get a TV to mount above it all for multimedia
<midfavila>then i'm done buying computer shit
<riteo>one's never done buying computer shit
<midfavila>until the day comes where someone makes an mATX carrier board for CM4 modules anyway
<riteo>uh doesn't sound so extreme actually
<midfavila>at which point i'll move the ampere/pioneer into a server rack and finally achieve my true goal
<riteo>I'm kinda surprised it doesn't exist
<midfavila>there's a basic PCB layout on github
<midfavila>CM4-MATX iirc
<midfavila>if i can get that,
<midfavila>or something similar,
<riteo>> This project has been archived.
<midfavila>then i'll be able to use most of the same parts in my laptop, desktop, and handheld
<midfavila>as well as the same software
<midfavila>and hopefully run all of it with (as close to as possible) zero blobs or similar
<riteo>wow that's like convergence
<riteo>but... backwards??!?!?!
<midfavila>yeb kinda
<riteo>I mean it still is convergence
<riteo>with a dock you can do the same exact thing
<riteo>it's just, ad-hoc form factors
<midfavila>the goal is less like
<midfavila>muh convergent linux desktop
<midfavila>altho that's very cool
<midfavila>and more just making it easy to keep all my devices working and up to date
<riteo>yeah fair
<riteo>very cool
<midfavila>oh hey the r01 image just finished cooking
<midfavila>time to see if it works or if clockwork epic prank'd me
<midfavila>did you see the nintendo alarm clock lmao
<riteo>oh yeah I heard of it
<riteo>didn't really look into it deeper
<riteo>one because nintendo (although zelda is fasfaskljhaomigahsio)
<midfavila>its got dlc
Later messages