
Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | https://kisscommunity.bvnf.space | post logs or else | song of the day https://yewtu.be/watch?v=S81bNIK4MaE
Earlier messages
<riteo>I was going to put debian in a joke or something
<riteo>hence the lol
<midfavila>i can just sit down, install slackware, and grill
<midfavila>boomer distro
<riteo>it's fine
<midfavila>altho in the future i'll probably just run an LFS box
<riteo>lfs as in make; make install or with some fancy script on top
<riteo>because personally the difference is starting to become very hard to see
<ivyfri12_>yo i daily'ed lfs for a while
<asimovc>riteo: any idea of why firefox is having this problem?
<midfavila>i would definitely write scripts to manage building individual packages
<ivyfri12_>asimovc: none
<riteo>asimovc: no idea
<riteo>I don't code in rust
<midfavila>probably graft the flavour of slackbuilds onto pm(1)
<midfavila>i really like how slackware is distributed honestly
<riteo>that script is a huge generated thing though, so everything is possible
<riteo>midfavila: what do you mean by honestly
<ivyfri12_>midfavila: there are only handful of packages you will have to update, its not that big of a chore honestly
<riteo>I don't know slackware well either
<midfavila>oh it's just a turn of phrase riteo
<midfavila>my bad
<midfavila>just like, confessing that i like it, lol
<riteo>yeah all right mis-parsed it
<midfavila>my bad :P
<riteo>nw nw
<midfavila>ivyfri12_: i already maintain my own KISS fork
<midfavila>completely separate from upstream
<midfavila>i have for... shit, going on...
<midfavila>well, it was a hard fork when repo dropped xorg
<midfavila>but even prior to that i'd maintained my own core package system separately
<midfavila>so... probably 3, 4 years now? my god
<midfavila>you know what makes me feel old? 2020 was almost five years ago
<riteo>wait are there people using fully 100% vanilla kiss
<midfavila>i would assume so
<riteo>midfavila: ughhhhhh you realize I was like in 3rd year of high school when I got into this chat
<midfavila>lmao rip
<midfavila>i was in my last year i think
<riteo>wowzies kiss really stood the test of time
<midfavila>yeah because i sat down and did LFS under crux
<riteo>it's a bit cranky here and there but it works, somehow
<midfavila>and then the WD black i was doing LFS on died the second i finished the last package
<midfavila>and i ragequit
<midfavila>and then i installed kiss because i didnt wanna do it again
<midfavila>and then i dropped crux
<midfavila>and that was like mid-2020 when i was finishing high school iirc
<midfavila>but yeah i mean i used kiss all throughout college and it was fine
Later messages