asimovc: at the moment i'm a computer technician for a logistics company
instead of pressing a lot of tiny things you have this 3x3 grid of buttons with common keys and you can swipe to the less common ones
n900 is kinda pain in the ass to type on, but its still way better than onscreen keyboards
when they hired me they outsourced literally all of their IT and they even hired a computer operator because none of them wanted to touch tech
so i built a little machine using a board from pine64, plopped armbian on it, and moved all of the outsourced stuff like the site, point of sale, etc, into the back
so you just need to use the crap in your work?
i don't touch it
the machine in the back gets sshd'd into by my uconsole or reform and i just do everything in text mode
what you do exactly?
works fine
asimovc: i manage the point of sale and transaction databases, an email system, the company website, etc
so just admin stuff in system?
pretty much
yeah thats great
it's a small company so as long as things keep chugging along my job these days mostly boils down to updating packages and rotating backups once in a while
easy asf
i still need the stuff but i moved career for not even need windows
maybe one day i move to no need of the bloat
the only person who uses windows in the company is the operator they hired which is annoying
she *insists* on using,
of all things,
microsoft excel to write documents
not word
riteo: not worked the patch
and f*** the firefox
just go flatpak and deal with it later
don't have time now
just need my system working for tomorrow
riteo re:swipe typing i used to use that
it works fine
i guess
but i still prefer a physical keyboard
midfavila: are you using kiss?
at the moment? no, i'm using slackware on my x86 laptop
why slack?
my usual laptop, mnt reform, still runs the stock debian image