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<riteo>and tighter
<midfavila>will do so for next coffee
<midfavila>usually i just use a french press but
<riteo>uh btw regarding the valve thing
<riteo>actually my family never did it for some reason
<riteo>which does not make sense to me
<riteo>like, my mom fills it fully, puts the little strainer thing and drains the excess
<riteo>I suppose that does the same thing? No idea
* midfavilashrugs?
<midfavila>strange italian magic
<midfavila>cant fathom it
<midfavila>but yeah re: the uconsole it's honestly super usable
<riteo>that's cool af
<riteo>I just gave up and accepted mobile phones with HUGE uis
<midfavila>on 6Ah it runs all day in textmode under light use
<riteo>like, I don't plan to use phones as a laptop so I'm fine with it having a dumb, simple and accessible interface
<midfavila>went from 100% at 0700 to ~33% by the time i got home at 1745
<riteo>uh that's interesting
<midfavila>oh to be clear i dont use the uconsole as a laptop
<riteo>like, nowadays the huge majority of power consumption is the display
<midfavila>it would absolutely not be suitable for that without a dock or something
<midfavila>i just find it easier to use the same software and etc on all my devices
<midfavila>with the r01, the display is definitely part of it. there's also no suspend yet
<riteo>ffs why is the uconsole website built with WIX
<midfavila>because clockworkpi is like three guys in a basement somewhere im pretty sure lel
<asimovc>midvafila: i can't just live without gui browser if i get a job in low level programming language
<midfavila>why tho
<asimovc>front end need it as a hell
<riteo>mid and how do you write on the thing
<riteo>like, thumb typing
<midfavila>i mean i guess if you want to be a frontend dev then sure but that's part of the parcel
<midfavila>i've chosen a career that specifically doesnt require crapware
<midfavila>riteo yes
<midfavila>it's annoying at first
<midfavila>because the keys are very, very, very heavy
<asimovc>what career you choose?
<riteo>the heavy keys are a very good thing actually
<midfavila>but once you adjust, unless you have itty bitty baby fingies, it's pretty easy
<riteo>I hate thumb typing, qwerty keebs were never made for portability
<midfavila>i can hit 60-70wpm@99% on it now
<midfavila>i disagree
<riteo>you know what I'm playing with on my phone
<midfavila>blackberries are excellent
<riteo>it's a weird swipe key thing
<midfavila>asimovc: at the moment i'm a computer technician for a logistics company
<riteo>instead of pressing a lot of tiny things you have this 3x3 grid of buttons with common keys and you can swipe to the less common ones
<ivyfri12_>n900 is kinda pain in the ass to type on, but its still way better than onscreen keyboards
Later messages