
Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | https://kisscommunity.bvnf.space | post logs or else | song of the day https://yewtu.be/watch?v=S81bNIK4MaE
Earlier messages
<ivyfri12_>im into sliders tho
<midfavila>sliders are neat
<midfavila>my main goal rn is to cut out proprietary hardware to the extent possible hence the uconsole
<midfavila>in theory at least the schematics are freely licensed
<asimovc>rust builded fine with patch
<asimovc>now see firefox build
<ivyfri12_>asimovs: nice, im still stalled at GRUB Loading. and boot loop. Its not my day today
<ivyfri12_>midfavila: >rust been pain in my ass for almost month, i just couldnt belive firefox failing to build wasnt my issue since no one talked about it anywhere
<midfavila>yeah i feel that
<midfavila>ive had some weird issues in the past with some software
<midfavila>these days i dont even bother with gui browsers
<midfavila>its all exhausting
<riteo>lucky fella
<ivyfri12_>i still need that bloat for school
<midfavila>no luck about it, ive reorganised my entire life to avoid this crap
<midfavila>i unironically stay up at night worrying about it :v
<midfavila>deeply unfortunate, ivy
<midfavila>soon you can abandon GUIs entirely and join the framebuffer legion
<ivyfri12_>one day...
<midfavila>WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO holyfuck
<midfavila>i just tried some more moka and jesus i havent been tightening it enough
<midfavila>this is way better than usual
<midfavila>coffee things
<midfavila>but yeah tbh my uconsole kiss repo once it's done will be framebuffer-first
<riteo>water under valve, just enough coffee for it to slightly squish and very tight
<midfavila>i might not even include X, so you could check it out, ivy
<midfavila>yeah usually i just tighten it so that it's like, together
<riteo>mid is it typable on the go
phinxyquit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
<midfavila>this time i really put my arm into it
<riteo>mid you have to tighten it as much as humanly possible
<midfavila>i've been using it for most of my portable computing for the past few weeks
<riteo>take a towel
<midfavila>yeah i guess so :V
<riteo>grip one half with the towel
* midfavilatakes notes
<riteo>trust me it will be 100 times easier
<riteo>and tighter
<midfavila>will do so for next coffee
<midfavila>usually i just use a french press but
<riteo>uh btw regarding the valve thing
<riteo>actually my family never did it for some reason
<riteo>which does not make sense to me
Later messages