I don't think that the maintainer model is being enforced anymore, is it?
it is
weeks and a have to call people here more than one time to be listened
kiss has a BDFL
kiss-community doesnt
and doesnt have a set of people who are actively scouring for maintainership
the bare minimum (update packages) is what is being done atm
the BDFL of kiss even see the prs, some are fixed and still opened
asimovc: give me an example
a kiss-community bug, with a PR that was opened to fix it
if its true i will be very dissapointed
i dont blame kiss-community, because the actual maintainers, people with commit permission, have lives
kiss repo is just updating stuff and fix big issues
sewn: regarding the maintainer model, I mean that one can make a PR for "somebody else's" package
asimovc: thats what i just said
riteo: ahh
i mean
like, the maintainer model forbit making PRs and shit
dependso n the maintainer
oh I see
if your name is ioraff, hard no
but for the rest i believe you can make bug fixes and they get approved, like ones i made on kiss-xorg
sewn: i give the example. busybox haved a bug for more than months and alpine solved it. That's what i'm saying, maybe still need more patching for better performance and not breaking things but repos is just update stuff and fix big problems
the bdfl or community members just needed to look at alpines patches and patch busybox
this is the point the quality of kiss
kiss is just abandoned in quality
no one cares if is buggy as long is builded and "working"
links please?
you can see my pr in community repo
i'm not with browser now lol
other example
someone just builded firefox in some condition and thinked "good work" and now i can't build as expected and need to find some solution