
Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | https://kisscommunity.bvnf.space | post logs or else | song of the day https://yewtu.be/watch?v=S81bNIK4MaE
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<sewn>one repo one dotfiles repo ez
<asimovc>riteo: i think the point of this distro about of "you can create your on repo and maintain" is a bad point
<asimovc>this make the distro this mess
<asimovc>can't have stability for build a package
<asimovc>because no one is caring about
<sewn>oh hell naw
<sewn>don't slander kiss
<asimovc>but is true
<riteo>the stability is a completely different point
<asimovc>yeah maybe
<riteo>99% of build failures are due to funky environment differences caused by no build sandboxing
<asimovc>but repo is the "official" point to start kiss
<asimovc>and you can't start right
<asimovc>because is abandoned
<riteo>repo is not abandoned
<riteo>what you talking about?
<asimovc>number of issues not closed
<riteo>that does not mean it's abandoned
<asimovc>pull requests in time that having months and still not closed
<asimovc>packages that need patching and no one cares about
<sewn>kiss-community is a community effort
<riteo>most issues/prs are ideas that would require a very high amount of work, which is missing
<sewn>do you think theres thousands of users
<sewn>or people getting paid to do these proposals or bug fixes
<riteo>yeah sewn is explaining it way better than me :P
<asimovc>i remember i have a issue in busybox that is a simple patch stuff and alpine did it. This issue has perdured for months link 7 or more
<riteo>meaning the same thing though and I 100% agree on what sewn is saying
<sewn>i understand the "why isnt my OSS project giving me the respect I deserve", but as an OSS developer, you have to understand that these things are given to you by peoples free time
<sewn>it is not a right to you
<phinxy>Id try Alpine out if it hadnt used OpenRC
<sewn>be the change you wish to see. help out.
<riteo>I mean, that's actually the big advantage of kiss. If you really need something you can make it yourself right away
<sewn>instead of complaining about how no bug fixes or no proposals are being applied
<asimovc>then give people with free time the power to change it
<riteo>patching a debian package is way more painful xD
<sewn>asimovc: whats the issue? thats purely possible
<asimovc>is frustrating making an issue and can't do nothing about because no one sees it and no one accept the pr or fix
<sewn>is there a fix?
<sewn>is there a PR?
<asimovc>likyle i said
<asimovc>sometimes i made a pr in community
<riteo>I don't think that the maintainer model is being enforced anymore, is it?
<sewn>it is
<asimovc>weeks and a have to call people here more than one time to be listened
<sewn>kiss has a BDFL
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