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Earlier messages
<riteo>by this script https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/servo/components/style/properties/build.py
<riteo>it's python
<asimovc>riteo as a said, he can't even build firefox with 1.81 rust
<riteo>oh I see
<ukky>asimovc: Are you using Wayland? You have this in your config: --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk3-wayland-only
<asimovc>ukky why? and why not is this in the firefox build file in repo?
<riteo>the weird thing is that the latest minor update has been out for a month and nobody touched that script according to the log
<riteo>so if it were a rust thing people would've noticed already
<riteo>it's a really weird issue
<ivyfri12_>yup im on it for few weeks already, i was sure it has to be something on my end since no one else talks about it
<ukky>asimovc: can you try this instead (for xorg setup): --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk3-x11-only
<ivyfri12_>XD ive decided to at least make sure kiss boots on target machine and it doesnt. give me some time to solve that and i will test and report this and building with older llvm and rust versions
<riteo>ukky: note that the error is completely unrelated to toolkits in any way afaict
asimovcquit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
<riteo>it's giving weird parse errors in some autogenerated servo style thing
<asimovc>the problem is not just rust itself
<asimovc>as you see in the gentoo bug i sended
<asimovc>is related to clang with rust
<ukky>riteo: yes, I see that compiler cannot parse rs-file properly
<riteo>asimovc: that bug seems unrelated honestly
<riteo>unless I'm misreading it
<asimovc>look at the github issue in the post
<riteo>oh I did not notice that, let's see
<riteo>mh it still talks about a different issue but at least somebody is having a similar problem
<riteo>you could try applying the linked patch to the rust package ig
stilbruchquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<riteo>doesn't hurt to try *shrug*
stilbruchquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<ivyfri12_>riteo: added to "totry" list
<riteo>'nyways brb, I'll install the new battery :D
<ivyfri12_>install into what?
stilbruchquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<phinxy>Do I have to adduser in chroot before booting kisslinux? Or is there a default login password for root?
<sewn>phinxy: there is no default for root
<sewn>please add a user
<asimovc>ivyfri12: solved or anything?
<phinxy>ok, ill add a user. by the way, is there a way to shut of computer from the login prompt without holding in power button?
<riteo>ivyfri12_: my laptop
<riteo>it was kinda busted
<riteo>let's see how this one goes
<ivyfri12_>asimovc: now grub is broken ffs looks like ill have to change drives now
<riteo>sysfs seems a bit confused but let's see give the battery some time to calibrate and shit
<riteo>i should screw the laptop back on thinking about it
Later messages