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Earlier messages
<asimovc>Not worth
<asimovc>No one see issues in kiss
<ivyfri12>not sure if i should create it in main repo or in kiss-xorg, im building from kiss-xorg but it must be broken in main as well
<ivyfri12>eh gnuplot had build faluire and one and only echawk fixed it
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<asimovc>:ivyfri12 any solution
<ivyfri12_>going back to commit before last rust and/or llvm update and rebuilding i guess
<ukky>asimovc: your build failure is similar to what ivyfri12_ reported. Also, it has nothing to do with amount of RAM.
<asimovc>so what is causing this?
<asimovc>can't find any patch in gentoo or alpine related
<riteo>perhaps it might be one of the patches that kiss uses??
<riteo>it's the same issue between asimovc and ivyfri12_
<riteo>you both building from kiss-xorg?
<ukky>probably wrong version of rust/clang/whatever, or maybe some muslrelated patches are required
<asimovc>i building from repo of kiss-community
<riteo>mh I see
<riteo>this is interesting as I think you're having the same identical issue
<asimovc>I think firefox in kiss-xorg is the same configs but just xorg enabled
<riteo>both are failing at building style v0.0.1 I think
<asimovc>kiss l
<asimovc>kiss are using latest versio of rust?
<riteo>1.82 on my end
<asimovc>maybe related?
<ivyfri12_>i could fork old llvm and rust rebuild and give firefox a try
<asimovc>also i remember to have to rebuild rust in gentoo this week for building firefox
<asimovc>i guess is a problem in 1.82 rust
<riteo>i dunno asimovc ivyfri12_ said that they rolled back rust and it caused the same issues
<riteo>btw I'm quite sure that the servo style module is the only problem here
<riteo>like all other errors seem related to it and it's because it's not building properly
<asimovc>ivyfri12_ have you get succed in rust 1.81?
<asimovc>i mean in build it
<asimovc>for what i read i can't even build it
<riteo>ooooooh there's something interesting
<ivyfri12_>asimovc: i forked 1.81 with rest of system being up to date rust failed to build due to llvm and i gave up
<riteo>looks like style.rs is autogenerated
<riteo>by this script https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/servo/components/style/properties/build.py
<riteo>it's python
<asimovc>riteo as a said, he can't even build firefox with 1.81 rust
<riteo>oh I see
<ukky>asimovc: Are you using Wayland? You have this in your config: --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk3-wayland-only
Later messages