they already hosted git, I thought hosted IRC should be one of their goals
can't hurt to ask
it was brought up a while ago
oftc is like that but they started with irc
but if we switch ~now~ e5ten can't connect :'(
yeah, I'd rather not, let's just say not really a fan of sourcehut
don't think they've got round to git hosting yet
so switch to OFTC
dilyn: I think libera is still having trouble with the mass flow of new users anyway, so if that's the one you want to switch to you should probably wait anyway lol
and if you switch to oftc I'd be able to connect
I don't know much about oftc... let's see
but I expect matrix will add a bridge for libera soonish anyway
so if you switch and I'm not able to connect for a bit whatever lol
can't register new channels for projects in libera as they're busy (8000 new users, after all)
whoops, wrong channel
i'll have to read about what's up with libera some more...
but I would miss you so much e5ten
kiwiirc doesn't have it as a network option either rn
i'm too lazy to manually add it (:
oftc is cute
have they actually done anything beyond irc? they even mention vcs
they seem very do-it-all lmao
"OFTC aims to provide many services to the community, including but not limited to mailing lists, project web pages, NNTP, and ultimately CVS. "