
Earlier messages
<midfavila>i literally haven't.
<midfavila>i've never used facebook or any other social media platform.
<phoebos>we have unicode, we have emojis.
<midfavila>unicode is bloat unless purely necessary
<midfavila>will stick with emoticons
<midfavila>you can fight me over that
<phoebos>people with funky letters disagree with you
<phoebos>but i do vastly prefer emoticons
<midfavila>note the "purely neccessary"
<midfavila>reminder that high ASCII exists
<midfavila>that has... *some* funky letters.
<midfavila>and boxes!
<phoebos>wikipedia section two: proprietary extensions
<phoebos>section 4: character set confusion
<phoebos>sounds like a no
<midfavila>recall my qualifying statement
<midfavila>>unless absoutely necessary
<midfavila>international usage requires unicode
<midfavila>but for english and some other languages, ascii is "good enough"
<dilyn>people keep posting things that are just empty boxes :v
<midfavila>>he doesn't have unifont installed
<phoebos>big oof
<dilyn>this is why oldschool emoticons are bae, and basic english letters reign supreme
<dilyn>why would i want more than one font smh
<midfavila>in case someone decides to post weird shit
<jslick>â–¡ â–¡ â–¡
<midfavila>posting literal boxes. bold move.
<acheam>¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
<mmatongo>so are we moving to libera
<jslick>it's not bold; can't figure out how to bold it
<midfavila>what the hell is libera
<jslick>oh there we go
<travankor>behold the box
<midfavila>oh, right
<acheam>oftc is superior
<midfavila>that was a thing
<travankor>it's the latest meme
<midfavila>this is the legit one then
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