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<vulpine>you indeed have to run an instance per network
<ivyfri13_>i use tmux to manage that lol
<sad_plan>so, catgirl would be less convinient that senpai in this regard. wonderfull
avs_origamiquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<riteo>soju + senpai = comfy
<riteo>except when you want an encrypted local setup >:[
<riteo>why the hell is TLS the only solution here for encryption
<sad_plan>riteo: for sure. I used it on pico.sh, and senpai at the very least is very comfy
<sad_plan>whats wrong with tls?
<riteo>it's not built with local networks in mind really
<riteo>I need a new root of trust and sign shit there, that or a self-signed certificate
<riteo>both suck and now that shit's expired I also forgot the openssl commands to do that :facepalm:
<sad_plan>maybe not. I would be using both local and remote though. not sure if this makes things better or worse :p
<riteo>remote means you'll have (probably) a domain name
<riteo>that means you're fine
<sad_plan>well, it would just be a rpi at my house, and ill be at work connecting to the bouncer
<riteo>directly through IP?
<riteo>I hope I'm missing something but it looks like if you wanna make a cert for a local hostname you have to make a whole new root of trust /or/ self signed certs which I don't think are trusted either by default
<riteo>which is annoying as that means copying stuff into some system dir I forgot for every machine you want
<riteo>I have no idea if there are alternatives but it really feels like senpai and soju are designed more for public-facing servers than lil local ones
<riteo>and I mean I don't blame them
<sad_plan>I suppose so, yes. I am considering using ssh tunneling instead, not sure whats least inconvinent tbh
<riteo>I mean if you use ssh tunneling and not ssh directly I guess you could offset that yeah
<sad_plan>I suppose so
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avs_origamiquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<midfavila>you guys might find this neat
<midfavila>strikes a good balance between the more mainstream design and cost-to-performance ratio of the framework and the being-actually-well-designed factor of the mnt reform
<midfavila>700USD for a 32GB eight-core ARM machine with (presumably on launch or maybe rn in a github?) open schematics and a decent display and stuff
<midfavila>it's much more laptop-y
<midfavila>i'm hoping they produce a cm4 adapter since that seems to be an emerging de facto standard for a lot of open projects
<midfavila>ala SoMs
<midfavila>schems on their website and BoM for the SoM. nice.
<midfavila>honestly this is a super great project if they can deliver on it as is. it's low cost and reasonably performant, with a more off-the-shelf look and feel, without (seemingly) compromising on its principles in a significant manner...
<sad_plan>honestly, this would probably be much more appealing to the masses than mnt reform, atleast speaking from formfactor pov. when you shop a laptop, its supposed to be portable, lightweight and easy to carry. I dont see the reform gaining too many points there :p
<sad_plan>I think I could see myself using this laptop tbh
<midfavila>idk reform is plenty portable
<midfavila>unless youre judging by like a backpack laptop slot in which case mmmnmhm
<midfavila>but yeah
<midfavila>that one is definitely more conventional
fitrhquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<sad_plan>perhaps im judgemental to its formfactor. seeing how thick it is. how much does it weigh even?
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