
Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | https://kisscommunity.bvnf.space | post logs or else | song of the day https://yewtu.be/watch?v=S81bNIK4MaE
Earlier messages
asimovcquit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<phinxy>Is a musl based distro slower at compiling Linux? I got 800 seconds compilation time vs 500 on Debian.
<sad_plan>im pretty sure that depends on a lot of other things besides your libc
<sad_plan>kernel config for one will affect compiletime by a lot
avs_origamiquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<phinxy>My CPU seems to be using intel_cpufreq instead of intel_pstate
<sad_plan>thats something atleast. not that im familiar with either of them though
avs_origamiquit (Remote host closed the connection)
avs_origamiquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<asimovc>riteo: can you send me your .config kernel?
<asimovc>maybe is some config missing
<asimovc>also can you send me your jack stuff and pulseaudio stuff that you use to build pipewire?
<asimovc>i see in gentoo wiki that pulseaudio or jack are related to screencast
avs_origamiquit (Remote host closed the connection)
asimovcquit (Excess Flood)
ivyfri13_quit (Quit: ivyfri13_)
riteoquit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
sad_planquit (Quit: nyaa~)
<midfavila>>not running your cpu at max freq all the time
<midfavila>i remember running into a weird af bug with my desktop where that was the fix
<midfavila>interference from my xeons was making it into the sound card and out my headphones
<midfavila>but yeah check your config and build env variables
<midfavila>cc flags and ld flags can have an impact
<midfavila>maybe also swap bfd for gold, mold, or lld
<midfavila>if you havent already
<midfavila>well actually hrm
<midfavila>gold cant do linux, but can mold/lld?
fitrhquit (Remote host closed the connection)
fitrhquit (Remote host closed the connection)
ivyfri12_quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
fultiltquit (Quit: Leaving)
angerisagiftquit (*.net *.split)
avs_origamiquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<asimovc>hi guys
<asimovc>anyone here is using portals to screencasting?
<asimovc>other than riteo
avs_origamiquit (Remote host closed the connection)
Later messages