
Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | https://kisscommunity.bvnf.space | post logs or else | song of the day https://yewtu.be/watch?v=S81bNIK4MaE
Earlier messages
<midfavila>oh huh
<midfavila>i was under the impression it was long dead
<sad_plan>this guy resurected it some time ago iirc
<sad_plan>thomas_adam: there you are. I asked you a question earlier, but you probably missed it. which of the tilde networks do you use? tilde.club?
<sad_plan>noticed couple of then mentions znc atleast
<sad_plan>tilde.club being one of them
<thomas_adam>sad_plan: Yes?
<sad_plan>which of the tilde networks do you use? for the bouncer. tilde.club? or do you just use ssh tunneling or w/e
<sad_plan>thomas_adam: ^
<thomas_adam>sad_plan: tilde.club, and I've used both ssh tunnelling and a bouncer.
<sad_plan>thomas_adam: thanks
<phinxy>Is it difficult to get an ADA compiler i.e. GNAT?
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<sewn>I love project segfault bouncer sad_plan
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<riteo>ughhhhhhh I hate building rust so much
<riteo>is there _any_ way of caching it up somehow? sccache does not help since it depends on absolute paths
<riteo>I'm really curious on why kiss decided to have non-deterministic paths for building
<phoebos>rip sourced hooks
<riteo>phoebos: what are those?
<phoebos>kiss used to source hooks (assuming they were written in sh) so you could change internal variables like $mak_dir depending on the package
<riteo>now it just runs them?
<phoebos>yes it execs them
<phoebos>eg old documentation: https://kiss.bvnf.space/package-manager.html#6.3
<riteo>rip indeed
<riteo>well, one more reason to keep working on my own impl
<phoebos>you can always revert the change in your kiss
Later messages