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<riteo>hi sewn
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<midfavila>does anyone here know of a text-mode browser that supports libtls?
<midfavila>i've looked at all the usual suspects and they all demand libre or open
<midfavila>at this point the only thing preventing me from replacing libre with bear is a browser...
<sad_plan>midfavila: netsurf? on oasis atleast, it doesnt even use libressl
<midfavila>yeah, i did see that, but doesn't netsurf only run on the framebuffer without a display server?
<midfavila>i'm hoping i can be a chooser and get something curses-like
<midfavila>since some of my devices don't have displays that match the orientation of their framebuffer
<sad_plan>netsurf can run on frambebuffer too, correct
<sad_plan>it can use gtk aswell afaik. not sure what else.
<sad_plan>oh, and wayland obviously, seeing as oasis uses wayland
<midfavila>like i said, i'm looking for curses, ideally
<sad_plan>although I think thats somewhat from mcf's patches.
<sad_plan>I suspected as much
<midfavila>if i knew more about C i would just patch links to use libtls tbh
<midfavila>probably do some other stuff to links while i was at it >.>
<midfavila>>10 years ago
<sad_plan>great. how about w3m? or just lynx
<midfavila>lynx is bleaaagh and w3m drags in boehm
<midfavila>i'm trying to avoid dragging in extra dependencies while keeping the system relatively small
<sad_plan>hm, doesnt links allow you to.. disable ssl altogether?
<midfavila>well, individual software relatively small, anyway
<midfavila>and yeah i think so but that kind of defeats the purpose
<sad_plan>thats great and all, but its not always realistic to do so :p
<sad_plan>lynx doesnt really require much, but still uses libressl though..
<sad_plan>I get that
<midfavila>youre talking to someone who unironically intends to replace a smartphone with a risc-v handheld with no upstream vendor support
<midfavila>realism is just another construct
* midfavilahuff-huffs
<midfavila>but tbh if i don't find something off the shelf i probably will just try to patch links2
<sad_plan>lol. how about elinks?
<midfavila>unmaintained and clunky
<midfavila>i found a few really tiny web browsers that were put out in the mid '00s that were honestly pretty neat but they were also only half complete
<thomas_adam>Chawan looks good, but it's not using libtls. (I'm not sure why one would care...)
<midfavila>i'm just finnicky
<midfavila>no real technical reason
<sad_plan>see this one instead https://github.com/rkd77/elinks its maintained. although not sure how less clunky it is
<midfavila>oh huh
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