
Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | https://kisscommunity.bvnf.space | post logs or else | song of the day https://yewtu.be/watch?v=S81bNIK4MaE
Earlier messages
<asimovc>sewn: hi
<asimovc>can you help me?
<sewn>I am at school
<asimovc>at time is?
solaarequit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
<riteo>hi asimovc my bouncer is always on so I can always read the latest history without needing logs
<riteo>asimovc: timezones, here is 6:39 AM
<riteo>asimovc btw the fact that you can screenshare without pipewire-pulse is expected, as pulseaudio only concerns audio.
<riteo>taken a look at https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/PipeWire ?
<asimovc>these are the logs i get now https://0x0.st/X5Oa.txt
<riteo>well, asimovc, looks like it can't connect to either pulseaudio or alsa
<riteo>you have pipewire-alsa at least?
<asimovc>i builded from community with libpulse too
<asimovc>and dbus
<asimovc>need more than that?
<asimovc>but my alsamixer says
<asimovc>This cound device does not have any controls
<asimovc>any solution?
<asimovc>i'm on kiss linux
<ivyfri12_>kernel detects soundcard, right?
<riteo>oooh I thought you were on alpine
<riteo>asimovc if on alsamixer you press f6 does it list anything
asimovcquit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<asimovc>know audio works
<asimovc>just need portals
<riteo>it shouldn't be too hard; dbus user session, setup the activation environment, config xdg-desktop-portal if you feel fancy and start it
midfavilaquit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
asimovcquit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
fultiltquit (Quit: Leaving)
<ivyfri12_>anyone succeded to build firefox 133 from testing in main repo?
<ivyfri12_>since im on xorg i tried to build 133 with script from kiss-xorg and it failed lol
<ivyfri12_>rebuilding system just to make sure, also ive created issue in kiss-xorg about fix so i hope that when "firefox case" ends
<ivyfri12_>happy flatpaking to everyone who was not affected!!
avs_origamiquit (Remote host closed the connection)
<phinxy>ivyfri12_: Nope, errors about missing rust methods. testing/firefox, rust 1.82
<asimovc>i was just about to try it but phinxy just get the error so will be the same for me
<asimovc>phinxy: can you send the logs in the issue i created?
<asimovc>phinxy also for just making it sure. You builded with the latest rust and llvm updates in repo right?
phinxyquit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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