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<riteo>I mean if there's a pipewire socket in the default runtime dir and pwvucontrol works then I'm not sure what the file not found in the log refers to :(
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<asimvoc>i will try now
<asimvoc>it have a pipewire-0 in this dir
<asimvoc>and also pwvucontrol just detect my mic of laptop
<riteo>I see
<riteo>if firefox does not work either I'm not really sure
<riteo>could try with obs or something else to see if the issue is chromium or flatpak
<riteo>also this webpage https://mozilla.github.io/webrtc-landing/gum_test.html
<asimvoc>i can't try firefox in kiss
<asimvoc>can't build it
<asimvoc>i will just drop it again
<asimvoc>kiss is awesome but again is too much abandoned
<asimvoc>i need a distro for everyday needs
<riteo>oh I mean firefox flatpak
<riteo>I don't build it either
<riteo>but if you don't really feel like tinkering this much it's fine really
<asimvoc>i will try firefox
<asimvoc>just the last
<asimvoc>the problem is that i have until monday to have a working system
<asimvoc>and kiss is not working lol
<asimvoc>firefox wont detect anything
<asimvoc>and thats the logs
<asimvoc>riteo: any idea?
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<riteo>asimovc sorry for thee delay
<riteo>logs say nothing and I'm kinda out of ideas here, I'm sorry
<riteo>if you need something by monday do not stress yourself, pick a just works distro and you can play with this stuff at another time, this is supposed to be fun and not a chore
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<asimovc>riteo: hi
<asimovc>i installed alpine
<asimovc>and seems to work well without xdg-portal-gtk
<asimovc>maybe is the build of the packages
<asimovc>or something related to mdev?
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<asimovc>also even without pipewire-pulse it still screenshare
<asimovc>just don't get audio
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