
Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | https://kisscommunity.bvnf.space | post logs or else | song of the day https://yewtu.be/watch?v=S81bNIK4MaE
Earlier messages
<phinxy>I noticed fully PREEMPT kernel wasnt possible with i915 module, so I chose dynamic "low latency desktop" preempt kernel.
<phinxy>Maybe Ill try i915 as a (M) module instead of built in (*)
<asimovc>hi guys
<asimovc>need help with xdg-portal
<asimovc>if someone can help me
<asimovc>i installed all the packages from kiss-dbus
<asimovc>actived dbus and rebuilded pipewire with dbus enable
<asimovc>still can't sharing my screen in flatpak ungoogled chromium
fitrhquit (Quit: fitrh)
<ivyfri12>ivybridge mentioned :3
<sewn>phinxy: why are you using seatd-launch?
<sewn>asimovc: you have to run the portals
<sewn>or atleast try
<asimovc>i tried
<asimovc>is it just ./xdg-portal -r and next ./xdg-portal-wlr -r?
<asimovc>if is just it
<asimovc>not worked
<phinxy>sewn: that's what post install suggested
<phinxy>what is portals?
<sewn>phinxy: dbus services that provide standard desktop routines for desktop applications
<sewn>asimovc: other way
<sewn>phinxy: enable seatd, add yourself to the seat group and launch without
<sewn>post install of what? libseat?
<phinxy>Of sway i believe
phinxyquit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
<asimovc>sewm: you in in reverse? first xdg-portal-wlr and next xdg-portal?
<asimovc>you mean*
<ivyfri12>got a little bit of progress on firefox case so far: gentoo patch did not solve the issue for me too, rust 1.80 fails to build if taken alone from old repo, rn im trying build it not breaking the system in process.
<ivyfri12>rust 1.80 still fails to compile with llvm from same commit so things dont look great bruh
<ivyfri12>if i were to guess i would bet on either gcc or cmake
<ivyfri12>both are hell of a gamble to downgrate
<ivyfri12>oh i forgot to mention i also took clang from last commit that has rust 1.80
<phinxy>What is "the firefox case"? :)
<ivyfri12>eh firefox fails to build in really weird way, check yesterdays logs for more info
<sewn>asimovc: yes
<ivyfri12>asimovc aslo has that problem so its not (at least only) being dummy
<ivyfri12>asimovc aslo has that problem so its not (at least only) *me being dummy
<sewn>s/being/me being
<sewn>is the irc way
<ivyfri12>no way my zoom-zoom brain comprehends that
<phinxy>Rust < 1.80 builds firefox?
<ivyfri12>i guess it should, trying to build it rn
<phinxy>I had to apply this patch to compile busybox for linux 5.12, it removes "CBQ" from networking/tc.c: https://bugs.busybox.net/attachment.cgi?id=9760
<phinxy>(nothing relating to firefox)
<asimovc>sewm: not worked
<asimovc>this is the log for xdg-portal https://0x0.st/Xn0c.txt
Later messages