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<midfavila>trying to get the r01's software up to feature parity with normal smartphone stuff
<midfavila>atm i'm focusing on a hotspot feature
<ivyfri12_>wow r01 is almost like n900 but it doesnt suck!
<midfavila>i have hostapd working and i have the 4g modem working
<midfavila>and brctl runs
<midfavila>but for some reason ubuntu only comes with cdc-qmi or w/e
<midfavila>and i need -mbim
<midfavila>because brctl doesnt like cdc-wdm device files
<midfavila>it was a USB TTY
<riteo>oh I see
<riteo>how are you handling the modem?
<midfavila>clockwork provides a script
<riteo>there's like modemmanager but it's networkmanager levels of ughhhhhhhhhh
<riteo>oh I see
<midfavila>given the lack of polish for the rest of the r01's software i can't imagine it's very good but it does work
<midfavila>i'll likely modify the script i wrote for my toughbook's modem when i still had that for the first release of r01 kiss
<riteo>please document everything eventually
<midfavila>i want to write a few scripts for different features like yeah managing the modem and such and then slap a dialog(1)-based interface on top
<riteo>I need more ad-hoc simple DEs in my life
<midfavila>and yeah ofc i'm gonna document it lel
<midfavila>my goal is to be able to easily take notes and organise documents, browse text-based websites, view documents and images, communicate via SMS and various IM protocols in some sort of unified fashion that also manages contacts, get FDE working,
<midfavila>get video playback working, and some way to interface with youtube/invidious...
<riteo>oooh does the r01 have hw decode
<midfavila>but in tty the cpu is powerful enough to handle it
<midfavila>the r01 has no graphics hardware
<riteo>I'm worried more about battery power than cpu power
<midfavila>well, a big problem with the current system is that it uses full-fat versions of everything
<midfavila>full X.Org, full systemd, full networkmanager, glibc, on and on
<riteo>auchie I see
<riteo>well I can't blame them
<midfavila>a musl-busybox machine in the tty with minimal background services would likely consume way less power
<midfavila>or, well, not way less
<midfavila>but appreciably less
<midfavila>and i mean i dunno i absolutely blame them
<riteo>I've had a pinephone (until it lasted lol) and the software for ultra-mobile computing is *rough*
<midfavila>at least release your source code
<riteo>no mid the amount of system integration required for this stuff is crazy
<riteo>people underestimate how much work android did to get there
<midfavila>i mean
<midfavila>outside of calls i can already do basically everything i need with off the shelf junk from github
<riteo>yeah but doing it *efficiently* is another thing
<midfavila>i mean yes
<riteo>and doing it with sane APIs for other software
<midfavila>but the r01 isnt going to be a phone-running-linu
<midfavila>that's the wrong way to look at it
<midfavila>it's not going to be constantly waiting for incoming calls, constantly connected to LTE, etc etc
Later messages