Best to run it in browser so it can't spy on your processes either for "abcd is playing xyz"
i just use the pidgin plugin
* midfavila
adds maybe two or three megs to its memory usage, versus having to run an entire browser
not using discord adss 0 megs
i'm working on not using discord
* buffet
is playing Emacs
but I've got a few friends who can't into IRC or email
then are they really friends at all?
you can't use my own logic against me
that's not how this works
> don't use email
they're zoomers
if it's not instagram or discord they don't use it
tfw zoomer :v
don't use prorietary botnet tho
<travankor> don't use prorietary botnet tho
I mean my friends
how do they register their accounts at various services? phone numbers?
they either have some gmail they don't use to register their bullshit to
or maybe zoomers got savvy and discovered tempmail
mid, as our resident youth
what are the zoomers doing?
they're using gmail to sign up and that's all they use it for
i, of course, use guerilla mail
or fill in email fields with no⊙fo if that's accepted
dominos doesn't need email or a phone number to deliver a pizza.
they do if you want those sweet, sweet piece of the pie rewards points
gmail still allows task-specific emails with + right? so they could do mystupidname+register⊙gc and just filter those right to spam or trash or whatever