
Earlier messages
<midfavila>i imagine they're getting pretty hammered
<konimex>well, people are requesting cloaks at #libera at their servers now
<midfavila>and clocks
<phoebos>it's madness
<midfavila>yeah, it's crazy
<ominous_anonymou>is there a reason user cloaks aren't default?
<eternalrain>hi, is it possible to run discord on kiss?
<konimex>holdover from the freenode days?
<testuser[m]_>No why would you run electron garbage on kiss
<phoebos>i think discord is an electron app?
<testuser[m]_>Just use it in the browser
<konimex>eternalrain: just run discord from the web client
<testuser[m]_>Or use an unofficial client https://github.com/bios-marcel/cordless
<miskatonic>electron is anti-unixish par excellence
<midfavila>dicksword is indeed electron
<testuser[m]_>Best to run it in browser so it can't spy on your processes either for "abcd is playing xyz"
<midfavila>i just use the pidgin plugin
* midfavilashrugs
<midfavila>adds maybe two or three megs to its memory usage, versus having to run an entire browser
<aarng>not using discord adss 0 megs
<midfavila>i'm working on not using discord
* buffetis playing Emacs
<midfavila>but I've got a few friends who can't into IRC or email
<ominous_anonymou>then are they really friends at all?
<midfavila>you can't use my own logic against me
<midfavila>that's not how this works
<dilyn>> don't use email
<midfavila>they're zoomers
<midfavila>if it's not instagram or discord they don't use it
<travankor>tfw zoomer :v
<travankor>don't use prorietary botnet tho
<movzbl><travankor> don't use prorietary botnet tho
<testuser[m]_>I mean my friends
<konimex>how do they register their accounts at various services? phone numbers?
<dilyn>they either have some gmail they don't use to register their bullshit to
<dilyn>or maybe zoomers got savvy and discovered tempmail
<dilyn>mid, as our resident youth
<dilyn>what are the zoomers doing?
<midfavila>they're using gmail to sign up and that's all they use it for
<midfavila>i, of course, use guerilla mail
<midfavila>or fill in email fields with no⊙fo if that's accepted
<midfavila>dominos doesn't need email or a phone number to deliver a pizza.
<dilyn>they do if you want those sweet, sweet piece of the pie rewards points
<ominous_anonymou>gmail still allows task-specific emails with + right? so they could do mystupidname+register⊙gc and just filter those right to spam or trash or whatever
Later messages